Using the Command Line to Synchronize Studies

Using the Command Line to Synchronize Studies

When connected to both local and server databases in Studylog, synchronization occurs between the two databases. The way synchronization works is that all new data is initially written to the local database and then pushed to the server. This happens automatically in the background of the application. When there is new data on the server that is not yet present in the local database, Studylog will prompt the user to synchronize. This can be done in the application’s UI or in the command line. Here is how to synchronize using the latter method:

Here are the key commands for synchronization:

1.       /fullsync –this option will reset the last synchronization date (no synchronization will occur)

2.       /sync=o –this option will synchronize options

3.       /sync=d –this option will synchronize dictionaries

4.       /sync=u –this option will synchronize users

5.       /sync=s –this option will synchronize all studies

6.       /sync=m –this option will synchronize messages

7.       /sync=full –this option will synchronize all entities (numbers 2-6 above)

Note: These commands should be put after the Studylog Desktop executable (StudylogDesktop.exe).

Let’s illustrate how these commands work in action.

If you want to reset all of the synchronization dates and then synchronize all studies, execute two commands:
The first command is “StudylogDesktop.exe /fullsync”. Studylog will then launch. You need not log in, just close it promptly after launching. Next, input the second command which is “StudylogDesktop.exe /sync=s”. After the second launch, you may proceed to log in. To see the commands in context, check out the example below:

**”cd” is “change directory”. “cd” enters a directory, and “cd..” goes up a directory. You can use the up arrow on your keyboard to repeat a command.

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