Setting Up LinkTo in Studylog Desktop

Setting Up LinkTo in Studylog Desktop

Note: The named pipe in LinkTo must be called “ChipID”

Steps for setup within Studylog Desktop:

1. Under Dictionaries > Devices, add a Pipe device:

2. Edit the device settings and update the following fields to the shown values:

Default Channel:

Pipe Name: \\.\pipe\ChipID

Mask: Y*

a. If the mask drop-down does not contain “Y*”, use “Add New” and manually add the mask:

3. Save the device and make the device active. To change the status to “Active”, check the device and use “(Re)Start Devices”:

4. Open the “Device Log” and scan a chip. If the device is set up properly, the parsed message should show as “<ChipID><(chipIDvalue)>”:

5. The device is now fully set up. Within Study Design on the “Animals” tab, scanning the animals should automatically generate animals with the associated IDs.

**For further questions regarding Studylog Desktop functionality, please contact

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