Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

Study Registry
-    View (F3)
-    Edit (F2)
-    Reports (Ctrl+R)
-    New Study (Ctrl+N)
-    Data Collection (Ctrl+D)
-    Survival Graph (Ctrl+Shift+G)
-    Delete (Ctrl+Delete)
-    Refresh (F5)

Data Collection
-    Shifting Down (↓)
-    Shifting Up (↑)
-    Shifting Left (←)
-    Shift Right (Tab or →)
-    Enter a Cell (Enter)
-    Mark Task as Done (Space)
-    Copy Selected Value From Clipboard (Ctrl+C)
-    Paste Data From Clipboard (Ctrl+V)
-    Enter Clinical Observations for a Selected Animal (Ctrl+O)
-    Enter Mortality Observations for a Selected Animal (Ctrl+M)

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